Max Verstappen on the difference between virtual and real racing
In the off-season Max Verstappen actively participates in cyber racing, and we told you about some of his adventures related to sim racing. This weekend, together with his team Team Redline, he participates in the virtual "24 Hours of Daytona" and shared his opinion on what is the main difference between this sport and real racing. Max Verstappen: "I think the main difference, of course, is that behind the wheel of a real car you are constantly experiencing overload - when accelerating, braking, when passing corners. In sim racing you don't feel any of that, especially since I use a static simulator at home, because it allows me to drive faster. When you deal with any dynamic simulators, you always get slower with them. Although, of course, if you want to reproduce at least a little bit the sensations you feel in real life, then you should buy a dynamic simulator. If we talk about the similarities between cyber racing and real motorsport, it is the approach to car settings and the choice of tactics. If it starts to rain, you need to switch to the right tires at the right moments, and all this happens just like in real life. I would say that for me personally, the sensations of piloting a virtual race car are 90-95% similar to what you experience in reality. And these missing 5% are related to the real sensations in the cockpit, when you wear seat belts and on the track you are overloaded.

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Max Verstappen on the difference between virtual and real racing
Max Verstappen and his Team Redline are competing in the virtual 24 Hours of Daytona this weekend, and he shared his opinion on what is the main difference between sim racing and real racing....