Ericsson: Herta is fast enough for Formula 1

Ericsson: Herta is fast enough for Formula 1

      Former Formula 1 driver Marcus Ericsson, now in IndyCar, believes that his teammate Colton Herta, who is called one of the main candidates for the Cadillac team, is fast enough for Formula 1... Marcus Ericsson: "Herta is fast by nature, he is one of the best I have ever performed with. I think sometimes he himself does not always understand why so fast in certain combinations of turns. He just feels them. Herta is fast enough for Formula 1, he would not be lost in this championship. In addition, Colton adapts well to different situations, to change the state of the track, to improve or worsen the grip. When he is comfortable, he can do things with a race car that few people can. Herta is one of my best teammates. He has undeniable racing talent."

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