Mandatory cooling of riders postponed

Mandatory cooling of riders postponed

      In 2025, a special cooling system for riders was supposed to appear on the cars in case the race takes place in very hot conditions, but so far it has not been possible to create it, it will appear in 2026 along with the transition to new regulations.

      This year, riders will be able to optionally use an intermediate option – a special vest in which coolant circulates through tubes with a total length of almost 50 meters, supplied from a container with a thermostat. So far, it has been decided not to make this system mandatory, since it weighs more than 500 grams and this additional weight may affect competitiveness.

      In the 2026 season, cooling systems will be installed on a permanent basis powered by the on-board network of the new machine.

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Mandatory cooling of riders postponed

This year, riders will be able to use an intermediate option if desired...